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Grand Rapids Speed Laws Unenforceable


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WZZM) -- 13 Watchdog David Bailey spoke at a public meeting Tuesday night, addressing Grand Rapids City Commissioners about our ongoing investigation into the city's speed limits.

We reported in November and again earlier Tuesday that Michigan State Police consider some of the city's speed limits unenforceable because the limits are not based on science.

We brought to city commissioners concerns that some of the city's speed limits could be challenged in court, potentially opening the door for a drunk driver to challenge the validity of a traffic stop with a questionable speed limit. That could allow that person to perhaps get off on a technicality.

We also relayed concerns that the court system in grand rapids isn't asking questions during traffic court hearings about the legality of speed limits despite the questions we uncovered. We found through document requests the City of Grand Rapids has little to no documentation how speed limits are set on their streets, prompting the MSP to suggest the city's speed limits are not enforceable.

The top executive of the Michigan State Police told us that speed limits should be based on science and engineering and not much else.

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